Please welcome Henry, our newest member of the Best Body Moves therapeutic team. Henry is a 5 month old Australian Shepherd and is busy adapting to his new family and therapy dog training. Terri Rossi is Henry’s owner and handler. Henry is acclimating to the sometimes uncertain COVID-19 rhythm of the clinic, learning how to politely greet clients, and properly settle down on his mat. On some days, he will be partnered with our existing registered and AKC titled therapy dog, Hannah. On other days, Henry will work solo.

We welcome the opportunity for clients to participate in Henry’s obedience and therapy dog training, as appropriate and when time permits. You may have noticed that both Henry and Hannah share the Australian Shepherd ‘red merle’ color pattern. They also share 25% of their genes because they are related as first cousins. And both Hannah and Henry were preselected for use in therapy by breeder Janet Hanson at her ASCA Hall of Fame kennel, Crystal Canyon Australian Shepherds, in southern Oregon.