Reiki Energy Healing Therapy
For People and Animals
The Japanese word Reiki (ray-key) means Guided Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki is one name for this energy that exists within all life. It can be drawn through the hands by an experienced practitioner and used to ignite the innate healing ability of people and animals.
A Reiki treatment is deeply relaxing and soothing. A treatment feels like a wonderful warm radiance that flows through you and surrounds you. It creates many beneficial effects including feelings of peace, security, and well being. It can be used to help restore vital energy levels, release energy blocks, open intuitive connections, heal illness and ease discomfort.
With each treatment, and with each person or animal, Reiki is a unique experience. All you need to do when receiving a treatment is to relax while you open your mind and heart. We offer Reiki in person while you are fully clothed and for animals remotely at a distance.
Thought to have originated in Tibet thousands of years ago, it was rediscovered by a Japanese philosopher and teacher, Dr. Mikao Usui, in the early 1900’s. Since that time it has been successfully used on thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds throughout the world.
Contact us today to make an appointment.

Beneficial effects of Reiki treatment include feelings of peace, security, happiness, and wellbeing.